
Showing posts from July, 2017

Week 6: First Days in NY

me and Elder new comp and trainer! Hey Everyone! Man this is so wild! I can't believe I'm here in New York! This place is so awesome and I've already had so much happen in my first two days but I'll try and keep this short!  Alright so on Monday we left for Atlanta, and when we got there we got to call our families. There were no pay phones so we all had to borrow the customer service phones for like 5 minutes. It was so cool though I started bawling like a baby as soon as I heard my families voices haha. The lady at the desk started crying too but really didn't even know why I was crying so I explained our church to her. Awesome first sharing experience!  When we got to NY, we walked off the plane and President Smith was there waiting for us with his wife and some of the zone leaders and ap's. He legit is the coolest guy and gave us a huge hug as soon as we got in with a huge smile. We went to the chapel right next to the mission h

Week 5: Last Week at the CCM!

Hey everyone!  It's so crazy how fast time has gone here! I'll be shipping out for Atlanta and then new York on Monday! Our flight from the Mexico city airport is at 7:30, which means we are gonna be leaving the CCM at 2:30.... So not planning on sleeping that night haha. Im honestly so excited though, I can't wait to get to New York and start teaching some people! This past week has been way good! We've basically had the same schedule daily, with a lot more language study and other last minute meetings about going into the field. I had to give a talk in Spanish on Sunday in front of the mtc president so that was way cool, and I don't think I messed too many things up in it so go me! It's been awesome getting to know so many people here and I legit have made such good friends the past 5 weeks. Funny thing is I would've never hung out with these kids before the mission, but we just all get along so well now that we're all out here for th

Week 4: Hola Amigos!

Me and my awesome District!! :)  Hola amigos! Week 4 down, 11 days to go In the mtc! This past week has been super fun and I've learned so much, and there's been so many awesome things happening.  So last Thursday, me and my companion got called as zone leaders which is way cool! Not really a ton we have to do since were in the mtc, besides like getting sacrament ready and checking on districts! It's awesome though cause we've gotten to talk more often with the president here and get to know him more. That dude is seriously so cool.  We went to the Mexico city temple again last week and that was so awesome. I did the session in full Spanish and actually wasn't as lost as I thought I'd be which is cool. The celestial room there is honestly beautiful, so if you are ever in Mexico city, go! I will say though, the smell on the drive there and Mexico city itself are not the best. Definitely not really planning on coming back here for a while haha. The mt

Week 3: 3 Weeks Down!

Me and my district!  Over halfway done with the mtc! It is flying by right now I honestly want it to slow down because it's honestly so fun right now. My district is hilarious and we all have a ton of fun while still getting everything done and staying obedient. Perfect combo! This past week has legit been so awesome. Our District :) So on Friday we had our first TRC. That stands for Teaching Resource Center, and it's where REAL recent converts, long time members, and sometimes real investigators volunteer to come in and get taught by us. It's crazy because you have no clue who these people are and you're supposed to teach them the restoration right off the bat and they speak super fast, but it's all good! Such a dope experience honestly. We actually didn't realize that the first girl we taught was already a member, so we invited her to be baptized.... whoops. But she played along and said yes haha. I had no idea, but apparently it's normal