
Showing posts from February, 2018

Week 37: El fin de Febrero

 Pics from when Elder cid left with the Mataritta fam! Hey everyone! It’s been an amazing week here in Harlem! Tons of hard work, running to lessons, and some sweet miracles and experiences.  First off, my new companion, Elder Cuevas, is literally like my little brother Jacob. They even have the same first name 😂 He is awesome though, and super ready to spread the gospel. His progress this past week has been really cool to see and he is learning a ton and applying it right into the work. We definitely are going to have some good times together.   Pics from when Elder cid left with the Mataritta fam! We had an awesome miracle this Monday. We had gone to the church to finish up some studies, and then gone out to an apartment building to go look up some people that used to talk to missionaries. We went and knocked on the door of one of these people and like pretty much most doors, no answer. Then we decided to knock the door next to it and the lady inside said s

Week 36: Nuevos!

Me with Elder Cid and our roomies last week at the temple.  Hey everyone! It's been a crazy but awesome week here in the city, and I officially got my new trainee!  So Elder Cuevas is my new companion, from Oregon and is awesome! His dad is Mexican and mom is from Hawaii, and he actually played rugby in high school! He came straight from high school, and super excited to be out here. He loves sports so it's sweet to be able to have that in common! He is super funny and keeps calling me "the man" which is awesome 😂 (I'll send pics next week of Elder Cuevas and I) Elder Cid and I made sure we visited all our awesome families/people before he got transferred to Poughkeepsie...way up north!   Last night we went over to a members house and had an awesome lesson about temples and the plan of salvation. The mom of the family shared an experience she had of a dream where all of her family was in the temple together. We bore testimony to her about the

Week 35: El fin del ciclo

Buenos dias! Last week of this transfer here in Harlem, we have transfer calls this Saturday which is crazy, it seriously went way too fast. This week was awesome, and it ended with a cherry on top of 6 of the people we are teaching coming to church!  So first off, on Tuesday we were on the bus and I started talking to this guy from Perú. He seemed super interested, and then on Thursday we called him up and randomly invited him to come and see the chapel and have a tour and he said yes! So he just left work, and came over to go through it with us. We had Noland, the kid preparing to go on a mission, with us and he bore super solid testimony to this guy. Our lesson was right in front of the baptismal font, and it was just awesome. He came to church on Sunday and we had a lesson with him right after where he told us some of his interesting beliefs in numerology, but he also said that he feels like this church is where he needs to stay. Pretty cool how a bus contact turns into

Week 34: Rapidísimo!

1. Dope elf looking hats that our member had in her barber shop Hola! Wow this week has flown by, literally the fastest week of my mission so far. It has been pretty crazy, just running around to lessons, hospitals, and the church.  So last Thursday we had a member from our ward go to the hospital because he needed surgery, and he doesn't have any family here in NY. So we went over to go pick him up, and when got there we found out that he wasn't even in his surgery yet. So we left and taught a lesson and then came back and he had just gotten out of surgery and into the recovery room. It was hilarious to go talk to him in there cause he was all drugged up, and he was making jokes the whole time about he was just hungry. We brought him home though with his home teachers help and it all has gone well. So that basically was the majority of our day Thursday!  2. So we had a little CO2 problem that we had to call 911 for, but it's all good. But right after

Week 33: Encontrar para Enseñar

Hola muchachos! It's been an awesome week here in NYC with just about every type of weather possible. We've gotten soaked by rain, snow yesterday, and then we were out in short sleeve shirts a few days ago. Basically it's Idaho weather x10 out here.           We had an awesome day on Friday. We've been trying really hard to find new people to teach, and that is always a big struggle because we find people through bus contacts and knocking doors, and then we never see them again because they always say "tengo una cita" (I have an appointment). But, Friday we had such a good day with finding people. For once, we didn't get yelled at or the door slammed in our face, and literally every body that we talked too loved our message and just really wanted to hear what we had to say. The coolest thing that happened was when we knocked this door in the projects, and this 25 year old kid opened the door. Basically looked like your average skater boy, but from m