
Showing posts from August, 2018

8/27/18: Fijando Fechas

Como les va! This was another solid week, and I'm still loving the time I've had in the Bronx. It's been 14 months in the city and I honestly could serve the rest of my mission here and be content.  We had a sweet lesson on Friday with one of the people that we are teaching. She hasn't been keeping a ton of commitments, specifically one about praying. We invited her multiple times to offer a prayer to know of the validity of the book of mormon, and she told us that she hadn't. As we got to talking, she ended up telling us that she already knew it was true. The book, the church, baptism; she already had received her answer. We set a baptismal date for the 6th of October. She has been going through some rough stuff, so we shared a few scriptures with her from Alma that I will expound on shortly.  First off, my studies have been life changing recently and I love it! I've set a goal to have personal study for the rest of my life cause it is li

8/21/18: Al Templo!

So these shoes are done :( Que pasa calabasas! Our P-day got switched to today just for this week, so that`s why I didnt send anything yesterday (sorry momma).  District It`s been quite an eventful week here in the Bronx, and one of my favorites of the mission so far. We`ve been having tons of lessons and lots of finding opportunities, and had 8 of the people we are teaching come to church on sunday. This area is bumpin!  Selfie with pro ball player from DR Got this kids contact info after riding his hoverboard We had a lesson this week with our boy Yanniel. He is 20 and from the domincan republic, and super cool. He had met the sisters on the bus and they had given him a book of mormon to read, and when we went by to go teach him he was never home so we ended up just dropping his record. We stopped by randomly about 2 weeks ago, and he was home! He was so hyped to see us, and said that he had been reading almost daily in the Book of Mormon. We invite

8/13/18:Legit week in the BX!

 Senior couple, Brother and Sister Carter, that used to be my parents stake president when they lived in Kennewick, back in the 90's!  Small world!  We had a sweet leadership meeting on Friday with all the leaders in the mission and their companions, so there were around 100 there. We had the whole meeting focused on finding people, and we had like 8 trainings given by different missionaries. I gave one on train contacting, THE best form of talking to people 😉 it's been funny to see the difference in my perspective on talking to everyone. I remember at the beginning I literally didn't want to talk to anyone because it seemed so awkward, and now I legit don't even think twice about it 😂  We had a sweet miracle this week as well! About 3 weeks ago we walked by this guy in a park next to the church and felt to turn around and talk to him. We were able to give him a chapel tour right then, and have met with him twice a week since. He's moving

8/6/18: Bautismo y un testimonito

Ya se fue la semana!  This one went by like nothing, but one of the coolest weeks of the mission. First off, we have transfers tomorrow and I'll be staying here in the Bronx with Elder Lammi! Pretty excited for that honestly because we've got some awesome people here we're working with. Also pretty much every companionship in our zone will be receiving someone from the previous New York South mission, which will be sweet!  We had a baptism! Juan Nuñez was baptized and confirmed this weekend and it was such a cool experience. After the baptism we usually teach the restoration to everyone there but this time we switched it up and put a quick video on it and mashed some testimonies from past missionaries and members from the ward with super dope piano in the back. The spirit nailed everyone and they all loved it so it definitely was worth it. Juan had a chance to go bear his testimony at the end and he's not a super out going or loud guy, plus his leg is s