
Showing posts from October, 2017

Week 19: ¡Todo es posible!

Me and my new comp Elder Gomez! Hey Everyone! Hope you've had an awesome week! This past week has been super busy and I'm absolutely exhausted, but it's been awesome! We've been just teaching tons of lessons and meeting a lot of new people.  So first cool thing that happened this week, we were able to finally set a solid baptismal date with our dude junior! He's so cool I think I've talked about him before, but he is the one who had a heart attack and is a little slower so it takes forever for him to remember things. We've been going over there and teaching him a lot recently and he's been remembering more every time which is awesome, the funniest thing with him though is that he almost never has a shirt on when we come 😂 but luckily I got him to put one on for some pictures he took so I'll put those on this email!  Junior and I flexing out and doing his signature picture pose😂 We also had some lessons with some awes

Week 18: Transfers!

Saying bye to my dad Elder Munoz 😭 What’s up everyone! Just got through transfers yesterday! Man this is crazy to get a new companion and be in charge of this area now! It honestly sucked saying bye to Elder Munoz, me and him got super tight and I definitely am going to look him up after the mission. But he’s going with my good bud Elder Dimond from the mtc so that’s pretty cool! My new companion is……. Elder Gomez! He’s straight from Mexico and had to learn English out here. Well partly, he spent 5 years in the US and then moved back to Mexico with his family until he came out here. He’s super cool though! We had an awesome first day yesterday and I can already tell we’re going to get along but more importantly, we are going to get some progress in this area for sure!  Pic with the other Elder Allen before he left for home!  So this past week was pretty crazy, just a ton of lessons with people and saying bye to people. Last Wednesday, we go over to this members ho

Week 17: ¡Milagros!

Forgot to smile while laundry ladies took our picture :( Man this week has been so awesome! We've had so many little miracles everyday and it's so sweet to be able to notice them! So first off, last Wednesday we went to Manhattan and I freaking love that place. The world trade center is massive oh my and the 9/11 memorial is awesome. We went to Soho on our way back and stopped in a ton of high end stores like Bape and Louis Vuitton and all that. The Nike store there is insane! 5 floors and on the top floor you can try on basketball shoes and go shoot around on a court! So dope. Also the apple store had a legit movie theater in it for when they unveil new stuff. We also went to Chinatown and it was crazy haha the supermarket had tons of live fish and stuff and you just choose one and the guy behind the counter smacks the crap out of it on a shelf then weighs it and gives it to ya 😂 so cool in Manhattan though I would go down there every pday if we could! Su

Week 16: Conference Weekend!!

After conference Pic with the Bronx in the background at the train station.  Hey everyone! This has been such a good week with conference and just tons of lessons and good things happening here in New York!  First off, conference was soooooo awesome this past weekend! I hope all of you got a chance to see some of it, cause it was seriously one of the best ones I've seen. President Uchtdorf'ss first talk on Saturday morning was awesome. That morning we had just met with a member who was going through a super hard time and didn't really have confidence in the church or God. His talk was all about knowing that we aren't alone and that God will give us strength. There was a super cool quote I took from it that says, "there are two things we get from living the gospel of Jesus Christ. 1. More happiness in our lives. 2. The chance to help others receive more happiness in their lives." so not only can we receive real happiness, but we can bring that happine