
Showing posts from January, 2018

Week 32: Enfermedades馃樂 y bendiciones馃槆

Me, Tamara and Elder Cid!   Buenos d铆as a todos! It has been such a great week here in Harlem. We had a baptism, I got sick for a few days, and we've had some awesome stuff happen! The getting sick part wasn't the best but hey it happens! So on Saturday, Tamara was baptized! She was so excited and after I baptized her, she was so happy. She said she just felt warm and filled with the spirit which was so cool to hear. Sunday she was confirmed as a member of the church and it was amazing as well. She loves coming to church and just knows without a doubt that this is the right path for her! She is such a good example to us of someone who truly is converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's so cool to be able to help people come unto Him and see the change in their character and countenance during that!  We also had a really cool thing happen on Saturday. So on Monday, Elder Cid and I went to go look up this lady we had never met before that apparently hadn&

Week 31: Bautismo!

Benito! Always has new hats for us to try on! Tons of homeade guacamole from Benito. The best ever tbh. Que lo que everyone!              It’s been an amazing week here in Harlem. We've had so much happening and the work is just going awesome.  One of the many random churches lol. So first off, our investigator named Tamara is like the coolest. She texts us everyday asking for a scripture to read or something to watch because she loves the spirit she feels when doing things that God wants us to do! She told us that she is the happiest when she is talking about God. So, we have been Skype calling her and going over to teach her family, and she had a baptismal date for next Saturday, the 27th.  She came to church this past Sunday, and we walked her to the bus stop, and as we were standing there we asked her if she felt ready enough to be baptized this Saturday, and she got so happy and said yes! So in 3 days we will have a baptism for Tamara! It is so cool.

Week 30: Mi Prop贸sito

Warming up the feet with sun and hot cocoa after being outside forever. Que tal todos!                 It’s been such an awesome week here in Harlem. We’ve had tons of sweet experiences and it seriously has been like a spiritual high these past few days.  This is what we're walking in!                   Yesterday we had splits with the Zone Leaders and that was awesome. I was with Elder Jensen and this dude is legit! We both love pretty much all the same things so we get along super well, and we had some cool stuff happen on our split. We actually got into the house of a lady who hasn’t been to church forever, but served a mission on temple Square! Missionaries have been trying for months to get in and they never let them. But the first time we tried together, the husband answered and we were able to go and teach them a little and set up a dinner appointment for Friday! Jealous though because I won’t be on a split so I can’t eat. Then after that, we went to a rece

Week 29: Happy New Year!

Another transfer down! We had a 5 week cycle this time instead of a 6 week in order for the people going home to make it back in time for school, so now we are starting a 7 week cycle. I’ll be staying here in Harlem with my same companion.  Happy New Year! It’s crazy because I literally was like 15 minutes from the ball drop that the entire world watches every year. But, of course we didn’t watch it haha.  We definitely grabbed some martinelli's though and popped those open as we watched The Restoration movie for the 50th time.  It’s funny to see tourists here who have no idea where they’re going, holding big old maps trying to see how to get around. I imagine I looked about the same though when I first got here so I can’t really blame them.  Last Wednesday we went to go visit a family that we have been teaching (a mom and her sisters). We had an awesome lesson about the plan of salvation, and one of the sisters, Tamara, said that we had started coming over at a ti