
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week 11: One Cycle Down!

Yo yo everybody! It's been a pretty awesome past week and I am pretty much done with my first transfer which is crazy! Time is seriously flying by out here and I'm sure it is at home too!  Last week we went to the temple in Manhattan and that was so awesome, probably my favorite session so far, even though I'm not a huge fan of the look of the temple here haha. But it was so cool going through it,even though we had to do it in the mandarin language! That was different for sure haha. Then we ended up going back to the temple on Friday to do baptisms with the ward and with one of our recent converts, Francisco. Francisco is like 60 and so dope. He's pretty much our grandpa out here haha he loves us so much and is super funny. He had to get surgery on his eye though so he couldn't get baptized but he watched and was able to be confirmed which was so cool. We also did some family history work for a lady in our ward, and I was able to find someone to do it for in

Week 10: Hot & Humid

Hey everyone! Another week down in NY, and it's honestly flying by! Crazy that I turned 21 out here, and that I'm already 2 months in! Thanks so much for all the birthday wishes and packages, you're all the best!  Massive dead rat in the street!! BMW I ($300,000 car) This past week we did a ton of contacting and tracting. We knocked probably like 300 doors but almost none of them answered. Tracting legit is probably my least favorite thing haha but ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get new investigators! It's been super hot and humid here too, so that makes it even more fun. Legit as soon as I wake up it gets hot and nasty here, but hopefully I get used to it soon haha. We had our first baptism this past Saturday! I'll put some pictures in this email too. The kids name is A___, and he's 13. Hes from Honduras and the missionaries found him while knocking doors. He's the only member in his family, and lives with his gran

Week 9: 2 Months!

What Up everyone!  This week has been way dope and I'm gonna try to include everything I can remember! Sorry if I forget something though haha. Also thanks for all of the emails for my birthday and just throughout the week all of you rock and your emails are the best! So last pday after I got done emailing we went down to Manhattan and went shopping down there and just looked to everything. Definitely blew some $ on a Knicks shirt from the NBA store and a hockey jersey from the Madison Square garden store haha. Worth it though! And then after that we went to Rucker park, and that was so sweet. legit have wanted to play there my entire life! So many NBA players go there all the time for tournaments and stuff like that. We balled on some dudes that were playing in a league there, and they werent good at all haha. East coast guys aren't ballers!  The other day me and my comp were walking back home after a lesson, and this huge Dominican guy was dressed up like a bir

Week 8: What Up!

(Emily here..Elder Allen spent his P-day in Manhattan today and sent lots of pics..but not any captions...haha!  I think you can tell what is what...I don't know that area so I won't try and guess!haha....He sounds so good!  Love him and love this gospel so much!) :)  What up everyone! So this past week has been a huge learning experience for me, but it's been super awesome as well! I've legit seen so many little miracles out here in the Bronx and wish I could put all of them into here but it'd just be like way too much haha. So first off this past week we had a lesson with our home boy Ad____, and this dude is seriously the coolest. He accepted my invitation to be baptized last time and then this week we were able to set a date with him! We decided on the 23rd of september, and his wife was actually at the last lesson as well! Her name is y_____ and she's super cool too, and was super into the restoration

Week 7: La Bronx!

Hey Everyone!  Done with my first full week in NY! The Bronx is legit pretty sketchy, but it's awesome here! There's so many cool people I've met, and I've already had a ton of cool experiences these past 8 days.  So first off, we are super good friends with a family that got baptized in April/May, N__, J____, Je___, and a little 6 year old girl. They're so awesome and we go over there like every day to read scriptures with them and do some service. N___ speaks only Spanish, so she's been helping me listen and understand more because that's probably my biggest problem right now haha. Dominicans speak a totally different type of Spanish, and it's so hard for me to understand them but it's getting better! Their family is so cool though and we actually started teaching one of J_____'s friends, J_____. She doesn't really believe in a god, but we definitely see potential in her. She seems pretty interested, and is a super nice girl. It&#