
Showing posts from March, 2019

3/25/19: Chicken Bakes Make My Stomach Quake!

Buenos dias! We had just about the quickest week of my mission so far with exchanges. We went with 4 of the 8 Zone Leaders in the mission for 4 days straight, and it was awesome. Starting tomorrow we will be going with the other 4, so looking forward to that. Exchanges are probably my favorite parts of leadership, so going on so many makes me the happiest camper out there. We had some sweet stuff happen and definitely more than one interesting experience. Those ranged from someone telling us that they are a prophet, a possum playing dead in the hood of Mt Vernon, and a BBQ with tons of Mexicans (Finally was able to use my spanish again) Title Explanation: When you have exchange weeks, your diet goes out the window and Costco becomes the go-to. Chicken bakes were my main source of energy, and that can only go so far before you start feeling like your toes are filled with cheesy bread and chicken breast. This week is already looking better, straight tuna, chicken

3/18/19: Tenemos chinches 😭

Hey! It's been an eventful week, and probably one of the longest of my missions, due to one simple fact. WE HAVE BED BUGS. I got eaten alive, like literally over 300 bites with some on my face. So that was not the best start to the week, but the good part is that they're coming to treat our place today. Regardless of the bad infestation of those little menaces, we had some cool stuff happen. The Lord always blesses us if we just keep going! In my personal study this week I found some interesting things. I was studying in the 18th chapter of Luke, where it talks about the pharisee and publican that go to pray. The pharisee is basically pumping himself full of pride, while the publican sees how unworthy he is to reside in God's presence. This made me think of myself, and others, and how we sometimes think we are doing enough. "Doing enough", isn't the problem, but not recognizing our constant need for progression unto pe

3/11/19: Back in New York!

That's right! I'm back in the best state on earth, NY! I got transferred down 2 weeks ago and am now serving in an english ward in New Rochelle. It's different but super awesome. My first english sacrament meeting and second hour was definitely a little bit of a culture shock haha.   Last week I didn't have any time to write out a big email, we were picking up the new missionaries so we were running around like crazy. We had a sweet chance to go street contact with them though right after we picked them up from the airport. I took about 5 of them in one of the vans while my companions at the time (Elders Bolingbroke and Daybell) went in other ones. We all went down to the heart of Queens (Jamaica) and sent them all out to go street contact. They loved it and honestly did way better than I did at the beginning of my mission that's for sure haha.  Later that week we went and took the departing missionaries home and that was a crazy experien