
Showing posts from May, 2018

5/28/18: Días Llenos

Elder Jensen and I!  Buenos días! We had such a packed week here in the Bronx, but it was so awesome!  So we have to go on splits with elders here like 2 times a week so that we can get through everyone, and it is craziness. But it's pretty awesome because we get to see the whole zone and get to know the other elders super well. On Tuesday we went on a split with our roomates, and I went with Elder Kitchen who is from Caifornia. We had a few lessons fall through and were walking to our next appointment at the church, when this guy walks by and says, "Hey Elders!" He kept walking but I yelled out to him and asked if he had met with missionaries before and came back to tell us that he was actually baptized 3 years ago! He's from Chicago, and ended up moving in with an lds family there then was baptized. We took him on a chapel tour and at the end we were in the chapel and read some scriptures and then said a prayer together. He looked at us after and told

5/21/18: "El bronX"

Hola!  We had an awesome split this week with the English elders in the East side of the Bronx. I went over to their area and as we went through the night not a ton of people were willing to talk to us. There's a recurring theme on splits that there is always some sort of miracle that happens, but it was already 8:15 and we hadn't seen anything like that. We were walking to go look someone up, and this lady with a dog was walking the other way so we began to talk to her. As we explained our role as missionaries and a scripture with her, she began to weep and told us that she had been looking for peace in her life because she was there taking care of her sick mother. She told us "I wish you were in Connecticut!" and as we told her that there were missionaries there as well she lit up and was so excited for them to pass by. Split Miracle! ✔️ We also began teaching a family this week and they are so awesome. They don't know a ton about God and religion but t

5/16/18: Traslado!

Hola!  Another week down here in NY and there's tons of changes! We received transfer calls on Saturday night and big news, I got transferred! I'm back in the Bronx baby! It's crazy to be back but now I'm actually on the west side in a place called Kingsbridge. The cool part is that I'm now with elder jensen, who was actually my zone leader in Harlem for 2 cycles. So now we're Zone leaders here in the Bronx, and the areas of Olmstead (my first area) and this area combined so now I'll be able to go back there for splits! So hyped!  We had a full day of lessons on Monday from 10 am to the end of the night and man it was pretty tough to say goodbye to Harlem. That place will always be special to me. The things I saw there and the spirit I constantly felt helped me and changed me in ways I can't put into words.  We had mothers day calls on Sunday and they were awesome! Got to talk to the fam and being able to see them w

5/9/18: Como esta la vaina?

Buenos Días! Getting into the heat here in Harlem and that means tons more people out and about, especially in Central Park!  We had some pretty awesome stuff happen this week. The best part was definitely on Saturday, because we got to go to the temple sealing of the Matarrita Family! It was seriously one of the coolest things ever. Seeing how happy they were to be in the temple together was life changing. That honestly is the goal right there, seeing a family get sealed for time and all eternity while out here in the mission field. It was something I will never forget and definitely will be eternally grateful for them inviting us to come and be a part of it.  That same night, we had an awesome miracle. We had one of our lessons fall through (common occurrence) and so we decided to call up a referral we had gotten from the Bronx. We called and asked him what he was up to and if he would like a chapel tour right then. He said he would call us back in 10, and when he did he w

5/2/18: El poder de Dios

Hey everyone! Hope you had an awesome week! It's been a great past 7 days here in Harlem once again. We had an awesome miracle happen on Sunday. So our investigator Leo actually had a severe medical emergency on Thursday of last week. He came to the church early on Sunday to meet with us and we were able to spend a little bit of time explaining the Priesthood. After that, we gave him a Priesthood blessing and at the end asked him how he felt. He said he felt an overwhelming sense of peace. We told him that his feeling of peace could last forever as he made covenants with the Lord such as baptism, and we set a baptismal date for the 26 of May! On Tuesday, he called us and told us that the night after the blessing, he woke up and felt as though all the pain he had was gone. He said he knew that the blessing came from God and that we really do have the Priesthood authority today in our church. It was so awesome to see the Priesthood work in such a profound way. N