
Showing posts from July, 2018

7/30/18: Hey!

Me and our new mission President, President and Sister Teuscher!! Como les ha ido?! Awesome week here in the Bronx! We had 8 of the people we are teaching come to church yesterday, and we'll be having a baptismal service this Saturday for our man Juan Nuñez! It's been so cool to see him progress these past few weeks and to see him change. When we first met him he could barely walk because of an accident, but now after a blessing, lots of therapy, and prayer (duh) he's walking like a champ to church. We started a cool initiative in the zone these past two weeks, "JOY". One thing we thought would be a way for us to find more joy in the work is talking to everyone. We knew that was super broad, so we came up with certain things to describe what that really means. We came up with a really dumb hashtag, #rejectreboundz. Basically when someone shuts you down after you try and talk to them, you go to the next person, find a cool miracle and share it with th

7/23/18: Tal pal crimen

With Mario before he went to the temple in Manhattan for the first time! Buenos Días! This has been such an awesome week! We've seen tons of miracles and had a lot of our progressing people come to church which was sweet. We got to go on splits with President Teuscher after our interviews! We went street and train/bus contacting and this guy is a spiritual giant. So cool! We had a legit lesson this week on Saturday night with this guy named Guillermo and his nephew Alex. They had been street contacted by the English elders and then by the other Spanish elders. Once they got passed off to us we went over to teach them, and one of the first things that Guillermo tells us is that he felt something different as he talked to the missionaries. He said when they told him about Joseph Smith he felt goosebumps. We shared the Restoration, and when we told him The First Vision, he said he felt the same way. The Spirit completely filled the little room we were meeting in and bot

7/16/18: Cuando hace calor, me da mucho dolor

Split with Elder Hernandez   Hola a todos!  Another week that went by way to fast here in the Bronx! It's been a solid week though, and we had a cool miracle when Juan came to church!  We gave Juan a blessing a month ago, and he has improved dramatically since then. He got to the point that he can come to church now! He went from getting hit by a car straight to his leg, to walking with us to the bus and off the bus to church. So cool!  We also had a crazy night last night. We had like 3 lessons within 2 hours so we were literally just running from place to place, but on the upside we had an awesome lesson with a family, and also practiced the process of blessing the sacrament with our recent convert Mario!! He's going to the temple this Saturday as well to do baptisms for the first time before he goes back to Mexico! Dope sunset #pollution! I wanted to share really quickly something I found in my study this week. In Alma chapter 31, it is talki

7/9/18: Hay que trabajar

Buenos días! Another awesome week has gone by here in the Bronx, and it was filled with a lot of meetings and miracles. We have had quite a bit of time with President teuscher, and this man rocks. He is the perfect balance of cool and consecrated. It's been sweet to be around him and feel of his spirit that he brings to the mission. Side note: Hispanic food has become a part of me, so looks like I'll have to teach my family a thing or two when I get back. There's a drink called morir soñando, that literally is a piece of heaven 🍹 We had an awesome zone conference, and President teuscher brought up 3 ways we can become trustworthy in the eyes of the Lord. 1. Work 2. Obedience 3. Love We need to work! Faith isn't an idle thing that we bank on when times are hard or when we need some help. Constantly, we need to be acting and striving to build our faith and manifest it through our work. There is no substitute for hard

7/2/18: Todo nuevo

Hey everyone!  So we've had the craziest week ever here in the New York City Mission. We got a new Mission President, President Teuscher. We also combined our mission with the south mission that was covering Brooklyn and Queens! Pretty wild! So I received a new companion from that side of the mission and were still up here in the Bronx!  We had a Meet the President meeting on Saturday and it was great. He was talking to all of us and brought up a cool point that I wanted to expound upon a little bit. He said that we can trust in the Lord very easily, but having Him trust in us is the difficult part. To do so, we need to completely humble ourselves! There's an example of people humbling themselves before God in the 21st chapter of Mosiah. The Nephites in this chapter were being afflicted and burdened by the Lamanites, and were forced to work as if they were animals. They tried fighting back 3 separate times and each time were defeated and many of the Nephi

6/25/18: El Espíritu

Buenos días! It's transfer week here in the New York New York North Mission (soon to be New York City Mission). There is some crazy stuff going on, and some of it is hitting our zone here in the bronx. My companion will be headed down to Brooklyn!! First time the North and South missions are combining! I will also be receiving a missionary from the south, Elder Laami. We also are getting our new mission president this week, so that will be awesome to get to meet him! Some crazy things happening, but it is awesome.  I don't want to take too long today, so I'm just going to share one of the things I've learned this week. It has to do with the spirit. As I was studying about it, I came across a scripture in the 19th chapter of Alma, verse 6. It is when King Lamoni is struck dumb because he realizes everything that Ammon has told him is true. As the queen calls for Ammon to heal her husband, in verse 6 it explains to us the change that Lamoni is experiencin