8/13/18:Legit week in the BX!

 Senior couple, Brother and Sister Carter, that used to be my parents stake president when they lived in Kennewick, back in the 90's!  Small world! 

We had a sweet leadership meeting on Friday with all the leaders in the mission and their companions, so there were around 100 there. We had the whole meeting focused on finding people, and we had like 8 trainings given by different missionaries. I gave one on train contacting, THE best form of talking to people 😉 it's been funny to see the difference in my perspective on talking to everyone. I remember at the beginning I literally didn't want to talk to anyone because it seemed so awkward, and now I legit don't even think twice about it 😂 

We had a sweet miracle this week as well! About 3 weeks ago we walked by this guy in a park next to the church and felt to turn around and talk to him. We were able to give him a chapel tour right then, and have met with him twice a week since. He's moving back to the Dominican Republic this next week, but we went over to his apartment and taught his whole family which was so sweet! As we shared the plan of salvation with them they were so excited and we'll be going over this next week. 

On splits in one of my old areas!

I was studying in alma this week and read about when alma the younger was teaching his son helaman about his conversion story. It's always been so cool to me the way he describes how he was redeemed from his "awful state of misery". In verse 20, it explains it perfectly the feeling he felt, 

"And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold; yea, my soul was filled with joy as exceeding as was my pain!" 

It's been the biggest blessing in the world to see people experience the joy that comes through the gospel here in New York! 
Love you all! 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission 
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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