Week 32: Enfermedades😷 y bendiciones😇

Me, Tamara and Elder Cid!  

Buenos días a todos!

It has been such a great week here in Harlem. We had a baptism, I got sick for a few days, and we've had some awesome stuff happen! The getting sick part wasn't the best but hey it happens!

So on Saturday, Tamara was baptized! She was so excited and after I baptized her, she was so happy. She said she just felt warm and filled with the spirit which was so cool to hear. Sunday she was confirmed as a member of the church and it was amazing as well. She loves coming to church and just knows without a doubt that this is the right path for her! She is such a good example to us of someone who truly is converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's so cool to be able to help people come unto Him and see the change in their character and countenance during that! 

We also had a really cool thing happen on Saturday. So on Monday, Elder Cid and I went to go look up this lady we had never met before that apparently hadn't been to church in years and the missionaries just never went over to see her anymore. We decided to stop by before we went to a lesson, and sure enough she opened the door! We were able to invite her to our ward activity on Saturday night, but she really didn't seem to interested.Well, Saturday night right before it started, we get a call from her saying that she is waiting for us on the 2nd floor of the chapel! We ran down the stairs to go grab her, and once the other ward members saw her, that same friendship she had felt previously in the church returned! It was so awesome to see how the ward embraced her. She also came to church on Sunday and wants the missionaries to start coming over weekly which is so awesome! Someone is always waiting to get a little extra motivation to go back to church, we just need to take the initiative to be that little extra push for them!

Starting on Friday night, I got a super bad fever. We left the church to get on a bus, and I seriously just started shaking so bad and got so cold and it wasn't even cold at all outside. We got home and I basically died all night. The next day was the baptism but I couldn't eat anything, so after that I felt like I was gonna pass out the whole night. Then on Sunday it was a ton better, until Monday morning when I woke up and started dying again and ended up having to go get some meds so that I could end up being able to eat a few hours later. But, I should be all good now which is the awesome part! The past few days have been rough though haha I seriously lost 5 pounds. But don't worry momma I'm putting the weight back on of course, with all the food we get fed out here. 

This morning I was reading in the book of Mormon, and I came across a verse that I had previously marked up. It's in 1 Nephi 15 verse 11 which says, "Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you." 
Do we remember what the Lord has promised us??? As we ask him in faith and keep his commandments, we are going to recieve answers to our prayers! But those answers only come through faith in His name. No matter what we are going through, never turn away from him. Our mission president said something interesting when I first got in the mission. "Our savior Jesus Christ will NEVER leave us, we ALWAYS are the ones to leave him." We are the ones who choose whether or not we can feel His presence! I promise that as we choose to have Him in our lives daily, we will see miraculous blessings and benefits, and our lives will "be easier" as President Uchtdorf said in this last general conference. I love you all so much, have an awesome week!!

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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