Week 30: Mi Propósito

Warming up the feet with sun and hot cocoa after being outside forever.

Que tal todos! 

               It’s been such an awesome week here in Harlem. We’ve had tons of sweet experiences and it seriously has been like a spiritual high these past few days.

 This is what we're walking in!
               Yesterday we had splits with the Zone Leaders and that was awesome. I was with Elder Jensen and this dude is legit! We both love pretty much all the same things so we get along super well, and we had some cool stuff happen on our split. We actually got into the house of a lady who hasn’t been to church forever, but served a mission on temple Square! Missionaries have been trying for months to get in and they never let them. But the first time we tried together, the husband answered and we were able to go and teach them a little and set up a dinner appointment for Friday! Jealous though because I won’t be on a split so I can’t eat. Then after that, we went to a recent converts house and we were able to teach his brother, who had never had any interest until now! He expressed to us his desire to change his life and come unto Christ, and it was so cool to bear testimony to him that he can change no matter what. We also played some rosca de reyes, which basically is this Mexican tradition where they cut this round loaf of pan dulce (sweet bread) and inside there are like 6 baby Jesus figures, If you get the baby in your piece, you have to get tamales for everyone on February 2nd. Of course, I got the baby hahaha.

Best Enchiladas ever made by our man Hno. Caletre

               Alright this is the last experience I’m going to share from the week, because it’s gonna be a long one, and is probably one the coolest I’ve had out here in the mission. We have been teaching this lady named Tamara and her sister Luz, who is already a member. Elder Smith and I found them on a split when we offered to help take their groceries up for them, and after that we have been going over every Wednesday and Friday. Our last lesson, Tamara told us that she knew she had a testimony and that she loved having us over. She also said the happiness she feels as we share our message is the happiest she has ever felt! So awesome. So they actually canceled our lesson on Wednesday, and were about to cancel the one on Friday as well, but Luz later told us that something prompted her to let us come over, even though she was kind of in a slump. So we went over to show the Restoration movie to them, and she of course made us some food. We ate that (And it was amazing because it was a burger and I haven’t had one of those in months), and then we were just talking and trying to get the movie to work. We finally got it working, and nothing went right during it. They were falling asleep because they had been running around all day, we were dying of heat because we were right next to the steam pipe, and the kids were in the room as well playing on their Nintendo switch with the volume all the way up… Needless to say it was not what we were going for. 
But, at the end of the movie we bore some quick testimonies. They both made mention to the fact that they just felt great around us and that they had had bunches of missionaries try to come over in the past but they never really let them in until us. I felt like I should share with them what I was feeling, which was that we met before this life. I explained that my sole purpose for coming out on my mission was to find the people that I had met before coming to earth, and teach them about the gospel. I believe and I know that Tamara and Luz are both people that I met before, and who I promised I would come and meet. At this point we were all bawling, and we actually invited Tamara to be baptized January 28th, and she accepted 100%! She was so excited, and came to church on Sunday with her little boy Eli! It was so awesome. This family is seriously the coolest, and I honestly know that I was sent here to Harlem for them, and they were put here for me. They have strengthened my testimony so much. I love them! 

Jola! Drink only made in certain parts of mexico! Hno Caletre

              I just want to end with a scripture really quick that I read yesterday during my personal study. I’m sure most of you have read it or heard of it, but I love it. It’s in John 14: 27, and it says:

 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” 

There is only one way to find true and everlasting peace in this life, and it is through Him. By the power of his atonement, we can be cleansed, we can be saved, we can be happy! The happiness and pure joy of the gospel isn’t comparable. Take the invitation from President Thomas S. Monson, and read the Book of Mormon. Your life will be better! I promise! I love you all so much, and hope you have an amazing week!

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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