3/18/19: Tenemos chinches 😭


It's been an eventful week, and probably one of the longest of my missions, due to one simple fact.


I got eaten alive, like literally over 300 bites with some on my face. So that was not the best start to the week, but the good part is that they're coming to treat our place today.

Regardless of the bad infestation of those little menaces, we had some cool stuff happen. The Lord always blesses us if we just keep going!

In my personal study this week I found some interesting things. I was studying in the 18th chapter of Luke, where it talks about the pharisee and publican that go to pray. The pharisee is basically pumping himself full of pride, while the publican sees how unworthy he is to reside in God's presence.

This made me think of myself, and others, and how we sometimes think we are doing enough. "Doing enough", isn't the problem, but not recognizing our constant need for progression unto perfection IS. The pharisee had no room for improvement, due to his high headed nature and level of pride. The publican on the other hand had unlimited potential due to his willingness to submit to the will of the lord and ask for his healing hand to be applied.

This brought me to 1 Nephi 10, right after the dream of Lehi. It says in verse 6

6 Wherefore, all mankind were in a lost and in a fallen state, and ever would be save they should rely on this Redeemer.

It's interesting to me just how perfect the wording is here. It shows us that we can't be on one extremity of the pride scale (either completely prideful, or hopelessly humble), but we need to be humble enough to realize the absolute need of the Savior. It's that sweet middle spot where we have confidence in Him, ourselves, and His gospel, and also realize the dependency we have on His atoning sacrifice.

The whole test of life is us attempting to get to that point. It all goes back to believing Christ, and not just believing in him.

The changes I have seen in the people of New York has helped me realize just how much that Atonement cleanses us. These past few weeks have been an eye opening experience to me that has shown me just how much work is being done and the lives that are being touched as valiant servants of the Lord go out to find, teach, and baptize these people seeking eternal truths.

I love you all tons!

If you want bed bug pictures send me an email haha.


Elder Allen


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