3/11/19: Back in New York!

That's right! I'm back in the best state on earth, NY! I got transferred down 2 weeks ago and am now serving in an english ward in New Rochelle. It's different but super awesome. My first english sacrament meeting and second hour was definitely a little bit of a culture shock haha.


Last week I didn't have any time to write out a big email, we were picking up the new missionaries so we were running around like crazy. We had a sweet chance to go street contact with them though right after we picked them up from the airport. I took about 5 of them in one of the vans while my companions at the time (Elders Bolingbroke and Daybell) went in other ones. We all went down to the heart of Queens (Jamaica) and sent them all out to go street contact. They loved it and honestly did way better than I did at the beginning of my mission that's for sure haha. 

Later that week we went and took the departing missionaries home and that was a crazy experience. We had an awesome testimony meeting their last night in the mission home and it made me so grateful that I still have a few more months to be out here and bare that testimony to the people of New York. Taking them to the airport the next morning was such a weird moment, but so cool to see how much the mission had changed them.

We had a pretty cool experience yesterday as we went out finding for a few hours. We street contacted this teenager with some saggin pants and a colorful doo rag, and he was the man! We talked about the book of mormon and he said that his dad is incarcerated and is currently reading it! He told us that his dad had related the story of the tree of life to him so we marked that spot and we're gonna ball up with him at the church today.

Other than that it's just been a lot of getting stuff ready for zone conferences and meetings and such. This week we should have a ton of time to proselyte in our own area which will be super nice.

I was studying the past couple days on the Doctrine of Christ and obviously opened up to 2 Nephi 31. In verse 12 it says,

And also, the voice of the Son came unto me, saying: He that is baptized in my name, to him will the Father agive the Holy Ghost, like unto me; wherefore, bfollow me, and do the things which ye have seen me do.

It's interesting that he doesn't stop at "follow me" but he keeps going to say "do the things which ye have seen me do."

Following Christ is not simply an act of believing or even changing, but it's an act of becoming. As we "do the things he does" we begin to have an eternal change of nature, becoming more God-like and holy. As we continue to develop those qualities, we become more like our Eternal Father. 

Go out and do what he did this week! 
Love y'all!

Elder Adam Allen


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