Week 19: ¡Todo es posible!

Me and my new comp Elder Gomez!

Hey Everyone! Hope you've had an awesome week!

This past week has been super busy and I'm absolutely exhausted, but it's been awesome! We've been just teaching tons of lessons and meeting a lot of new people. 

So first cool thing that happened this week, we were able to finally set a solid baptismal date with our dude junior! He's so cool I think I've talked about him before, but he is the one who had a heart attack and is a little slower so it takes forever for him to remember things. We've been going over there and teaching him a lot recently and he's been remembering more every time which is awesome, the funniest thing with him though is that he almost never has a shirt on when we come 😂 but luckily I got him to put one on for some pictures he took so I'll put those on this email! 

Junior and I flexing out and doing his signature picture pose😂

We also had some lessons with some awesome member families! One family just moved here and was really sad they had to leave their ward in the Kingsbridge area. We went over once and they just didn't really seem to want to come to the new ward, but then we went last week and we had an awesome lesson with them! We got everyone laughing and the mom made us some amazing tamales. They were way spicy but I legit have gotten so used to spicy food now haha. They also came to church on Sunday, and all the men in the family were wearing suits it was awesome 😎

On Wednesday night we met with another member family and they're the coolest. They have 4 kids at home and the mom is raising them alone, one of them is my age and the others are like 17, 12 and 10. They're so awesome, and every time we go over we always have such a good lesson with them. The daughter that's my age is super cool and is actually preparing to get her patriarchal blessing! Super awesome to be able to tell her more about it and help her get ready for that! 

 Yet another cool sunset from the train stop

Alright so one super cool thing happened in the past week. Just all of a sudden on Wednesday night my Spanish got a ton better. Literally don't know how but it did! Definitely feeling the gift of tongues! Still not close to perfect obviously and I sound like a gringo but it's so much better now. It's so awesome to be able to teach the Spanish speaking people of new York they seriously are the best. It's funny too because people never know that I speak Spanish, so when we walk by people on the street they sometimes say something and we always hear them and look back, and then it's always just awkward haha. 

Okay last thing that happened, yesterday we went and visited one of our members aunt and her family. They are so dope! They loved the message we shared with them and accepted a baptismal invitation. The mom is super funny and for the first like 20 minutes we were just joking around and roasting her nephew for not having a girlfriend still after being home from his mission for so long 😂 it was all in good fun though and he is super chill so no worries he wasn't mad 😂 

 Our homie Francisco showed us his collection of records and this was one that he got while at war 😞😂

Two things I've figured out this week from studies and stuff: Life will always get better! We don't have to focus on the negative, because we know that the lord puts trials in our way to strengthen us. 
And, I have a killer curve ball when I throw a foam ball in the hallway of our apartment for nightly baseball 😂

Okay so my invitation for anyone who wants to do it! Read or listen to the talk by John c. Pingree "I have a work for thee". It's super good and we've been sharing it a lot with people.

Love you all so much and talk to ya soon! Be safe this Halloween! We've gotta be in early cause apparently people go absolutely crazy here in the trains and stuff throwing parties! 😂

Love, Elder Allen 


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