Week 17: ¡Milagros!

Forgot to smile while laundry ladies took our picture :(

Man this week has been so awesome! We've had so many little miracles everyday and it's so sweet to be able to notice them!

So first off, last Wednesday we went to Manhattan and I freaking love that place. The world trade center is massive oh my and the 9/11 memorial is awesome. We went to Soho on our way back and stopped in a ton of high end stores like Bape and Louis Vuitton and all that. The Nike store there is insane! 5 floors and on the top floor you can try on basketball shoes and go shoot around on a court! So dope. Also the apple store had a legit movie theater in it for when they unveil new stuff. We also went to Chinatown and it was crazy haha the supermarket had tons of live fish and stuff and you just choose one and the guy behind the counter smacks the crap out of it on a shelf then weighs it and gives it to ya 😂 so cool in Manhattan though I would go down there every pday if we could!

Super nice porta potties at the service activity so you know we had to take weird selfies, we show them to everyone and they laugh so hard haha

So on Thursday we basically did service all day, but it was so cool! Me and some other missionaries were laying concrete all day and we finished the park by like 4 and then had a bunch of government people from New York come and speak! It was pretty cool and the kids are gonna love that place! There should be a bunch of pictures soon so I'll probably send them next week. Friday we just had planning and a bunch of other things to do for the next week so it was super busy. We had a few lessons with some younger kids but nothing too crazy!

On Saturday we had a lesson with one of our laundry ladies and were able to teach the restoration and it was awesome. She loved it and had some great questions, which is cool to see cause when someone asks questions you can tell that they really want to learn! She made us some flautas and they were amazing! She had some hot sauce there and I tried a little and thought it wasnt too bad so I dumped a ton on. 10 minutes later I was dying and like couldn't talk it was burning so much. Hahaha I threw a few ice cubes in though and I was good after a little while! They're so awesome though and were hoping to get them baptized in the next few months!

 Pic with our grandpa Francisco!

On Sunday we had 3 investigators to church, which was freaking dope! One of them had an allergic reaction to this old guy's cologne cause he dumped the whole bottle 😂 but other than that it was good! We've got this zone bumping right before transfers its awesome! We also got to meet up with my boy Ray that I met on a split a few weeks back! His house is so nice for the Bronx and he bought us some Jamaican food and stuff it was pretty bomb. He's the nicest dude ever and just wants to help everyone which is awesome. He is gonna come to church with us when he's back from Vegas! He told us to call him if we need a place to stay or money or anything. So when my white shirts get trashed I might be giving him a ring 😂

Sushi for P-day lunch today!! YUM!!

Monday was a pretty normal day, except we got a ton of referrals! This is where all the little miracles came! We have like 4 lessons upcoming with people that are gonna be new investigators! It's so awesome, and our mission is actually gonna be a guinea pig for trying out this new referral thing where people who Google search for questions about the church and stuff automatically get contacted by people in Temple Square then sent to us! So cool! 

Yesterday we had a bunch of service for our landlord which was good, he freaking loves us it's hilarious. He wants to take us out to eat so bad so I think we're gonna go on Monday before transfers. He legit said he's gonna cry when we all leave and that we're his favorite group of missionaries yet 😂 We also had some referrals come in from Kingsbridge for a family of recent converts and one kid that is 7 about to turn 8, and a niece of theirs that is 13 and wants to be baptized. We went over and met them and they're awesome! The kids are hilarious and are super smart, and keep saying that they're smarter than us it's so funny. And the dad is awesome, his testimony is so strong he read the Book of Mormon in two weeks, found out he had to be married if he was living with someone so he got married the next week, and just completely changed his life because he knew our church was true. He is so awesome and we can't wait to keep meeting with them and getting to know them better!

Dope sunset and clouds no filter I swear 😉

We've been going along with the Book of Mormon challenge and it's been so cool. We were in the beginning of Alma the past few days. There's tons of wars and stuff and it's super dope, but also just crazy. The first war they killed like almost 20000 people overall... Insane. But the last few Mosiah chapters are awesome, definitely some of my favorites! I also was re-watching the talk by Elder Neil L Anderson, where he shared the message that Elder Hales was going to talk on. There was a part I loved that said, "Our faith prepares us to be in the presence of God." The faith we show now is what God is going to see! We need to just keep trusting in Him even when it's rough and know that He has a plan for all of us! Love you all!

Elder Allen


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