4/29/19: Conferencia


Man this was an awesome week. We had zone conferences throughout the mission, and we got the chance to go and give a training at each one on fulfilling our purpose. 

I always learn a ton from prepping these different trainings we have been giving, but this one was pretty impactful. It made me realize just how blessed we are to be serving, not only as missionaries, but in NYC! We shared many different things, but one of my favorite parts was from my main man Dan Clark. If you haven't listened to his talk "The four steps on the stairway to heaven", I highly recommend it, because it is straight fuego. 

He makes a point that, "So many people spend their lives hoping to be happy, but because they only hope, they never really are." 

Basically, go do something to be happy! What are you going to do about it? 

That was pretty much the main message of what we shared, with a cool video we put together at the end that had some sweet self-reflective questions. 

We had Elder Haynie come to our stake conference this weekend, and he is awesome. He focused a lot on repentance and talked about how Christ literally is our advocate with the Father. He related this to how when he would get in trouble with his dad, he would always run over to his grandmother's house and hide behind her, and she would end up mending the situation. 

Christ does the same with us. He pleads with the Father to let us return, while even going as far to provide us with a path leading back to Him through his Atonement. 

Nothing beats being a missionary and member of The Church and being able to share that message of hope and gladness with the people who are searching for it. 

I was reading this hymn the other day and it hit me pretty hard. 

#221 'dear to the heart of the shepherd'
Dear to the heart of the Shepherd,
Dear are the lambs of his fold;
Some from the pastures are straying,
Hungry and helpless and cold.
See, the Good Shepherd is seeking,
Seeking the lambs that are lost,
Bringing them in with rejoicing,
Saved at such infinite cost.

Out in the desert they wander,
Hungry and helpless and cold;
Off to the rescue he hastens,
Bringing them back to the fold.

Green are the pastures inviting;
Sweet are the waters and still.
Lord, we will answer thee gladly,
“Yes, blessed Master, we will!
Make us thy true under-shepherds;
Give us a love that is deep.
Send us out into the desert,
Seeking thy wandering sheep.”

The Lord has blessed me with a love that has run deeper than I thought it could for the people of New York. I've been able to see many lost and wandering sheep come back to the fold, and am anxious to see more and more continue to find their way back. 

He provides the way, and we point others to it. 

Love you all! Have an awesome week. 


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