5/21/18: "El bronX"


We had an awesome split this week with the English elders in the East side of the Bronx. I went over to their area and as we went through the night not a ton of people were willing to talk to us. There's a recurring theme on splits that there is always some sort of miracle that happens, but it was already 8:15 and we hadn't seen anything like that. We were walking to go look someone up, and this lady with a dog was walking the other way so we began to talk to her. As we explained our role as missionaries and a scripture with her, she began to weep and told us that she had been looking for peace in her life because she was there taking care of her sick mother. She told us "I wish you were in Connecticut!" and as we told her that there were missionaries there as well she lit up and was so excited for them to pass by. Split Miracle! ✔️

We also began teaching a family this week and they are so awesome. They don't know a ton about God and religion but their desire to learn and help their family is amazing. The father always expresses to us how he wants his family to have the best in the world but he just doesn't know how. He told us he feels just like Joseph Smith (go figure). As we testified of the restoration and the book of Mormon we could see how excited they got, and we've been able to see them progress and attempt to understand more these past few days and it's been so cool.

That's about it for today because it's only been a few days 😂 but we had stake conference yesterday and there was something that really impacted me. The stake president talked about how we attend the temple to become more holy. On the front of every temple it says "holiness to the lord". But there is a process to achieve that holiness!
1. Be truly cleansed through the power of the atonement
2. Be joyfully obedient to all the commandments
3. Care for others as christ did
As we do these 3 things daily we will not only see blessings in our lives, but also blessings for those who are around us! 

Love you all so much and hope you have a great day! 😀 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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