Week 13: I Met A Prophet! :)

Meeting with Nelson

Yo! This past week has been freaking awesome everyone, definitely had a lot happen and it's been sweet!

So, on Saturday, we had President Nelson (president of the quorum of the 12 apostles) up here in NY! All the missionaries in the mission went to the Manhattan temple and chapel to meet him and get taught by him, and it was legit one of the coolest experiences ever. So we get to the chapel and start getting ready for the picture, and we're all packed in like sardines haha it was so hot and we stood there waiting for like 30 minutes. One kid legit passed out because we were standing straight for so long😂 but after a while President Nelson and his wife came in! It was so cool, and for those of you who didn't know, this guy is like 93 and has more energy than me haha. He like ran in and started waving to us with a huge smile, and said he was so excited for this opportunity to speak to us. We took some pictures, and then after that we got to meet him real quick along with a member of the 70, the presiding bishop, and a area 70. We all got to shake their hands and that was so cool, just being able to shake a man's hand who is probably gonna be the next president of the church and being able to talk to him for a second! Then after that we got taught by him, and one of the coolest things that happened during that was at the end of his instruction. He gave all the missionaries an apostolic blessing. So cool. So basically he said he blesses all of us with the ability to speak with the spirit and learn our mission language, and a ton of other stuff too that was seriously so awesome. Legit one of the coolest spiritual experiences ever.

Okay so next cool thing, we were knocking some random doors in the projects, and literally every one was saying they weren't interested or to come back another time. We finally knock on this one door and meet this Honduran lady named J_____, who has two girls named C_____ and Ca____. We get to talking to her and find out that she is super religious! Then we started telling her about our church, and we ended up teaching her the restoration just at her door and having an awesome conversation with her. She loved every part of it and wants us to come back and bring English
Book of Mormons for her daughters. It was funny because I remembered what President Nelson said about speaking with the spirit, and talking about the Book of Mormon with people. While I was bearing my testimony about the Book of Mormon, I felt so good and so much peace it was crazy. I had been stressed because we hadn't found someone new for a while, but as soon as we talked to her it just went away and I legit felt like I was helping bring one of God's children back to his presence. So cool to be able to help people come closer to Christ and change their lives for the better. This gospel is for everyone and it's our job to share it!

Dope grafitti

Alright one quick crazy story. So we're going to a family home evening on Monday, and one of our investigators calls(the sketchy one who gave us Tide). He sounds super drunk and he's like "we need to meet right now I need your help" but we told him we couldn't and hung up. He just sounded sketch. Like he was about to kidnap us or something haha. His buddy was driving a van and we could hear him on the phone saying where to turn to try and find us. So he kept calling us back and we ended up telling him to meet us on Kelly Street. As we're walking there, we meet this thug looking guy with a doo rag, who stops us with his friends. He tells us that he was actually baptized in Florida and wants to come back! Aha so random but so awesome. We gave him the address for the church and got his number so we are hoping to see him Sunday! But anyways so we end up seeing our investigator in the van, and he's got shades on (8 pm) and quarters in his ears and is just sketchy haha. We talk to him, and I swear I got the worst vibes ever, I thought for sure he was gonna pull a gun out cause one of his hands stayed in the car. But we ended up telling him we had to leave, and then ran all the way to fhe haha. Pretty sure this dude was gonna take us and kill us or something. But yeah that's about it for that!
Awesome picture right outside the church between buildings.

One cool talk I watched like 50 times this week was "Safety for the Soul" from General Conference October 2009, by Elder Jeffery R. Holland. He basically testifies of the Book of Mormon and just proves over and over that it could not be false. It's amazing and I get so pumped every time I listen to it. So go watch it! I promise you'll love it.

Alright well that's it for this week, talk to you guys soon love ya!
Elder Allen


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