Week 15: Sweatin Bullets in September!

Pic from farewell party for our senior couple!

What's up everyone!

So as you can tell from the header, it's been super hot and humid over here the past like week and it's horrible. Literally walk outside and it's instant sweat 😭 but it's been a solid week so that's good!

Finally got Facebook! I'll be on Facebook all the time now just posting stuff about the church and helping our investigators and members through social media so that's super awesome! I cant message people from back home though unless it's me teaching something or stuff like that (sorry momma) but yeah it's super weird to have it out here haha. But I've already seen how it makes missionary work so much more effective it's awesome.

P-Day at the Zoo! 

On Friday  I was on a split with my district leader elder Wilson, and we basically just had everybody cancel on us for all of our appointments. So we ended up just going to a bunch of former investigators homes looking for new people to teach! We stopped by this one less actives house to see if she was back from a trip to Mexico, but she wasn't. Her friend opened the door and started talking to us a little bit, but was obviously not too interested. Then right before she closed the door, her older sister walked in with her granddaughter and started talking to us too! So we eventually got inside the house and showed them the prince of peace video (one of the coolest videos ever, look it up!) they loved it and we got to talking about how we can find peace through Jesus christ during these super hard times. Super funny part of the lesson though was after I had talked to them for a little, and they asked me if I was from Mexico😂 so I guess my Spanish is getting better! Of course I told them yes, straight out of Guadalajara.
 Nice pose, huh? 

Another cool thing that happened on the split was when we were walking down towards another look up, and this Brazilian guy runs in front of us and stops us. He started asking us where we were from and was super nice, and then randomly asked if we wanted pizza. So I mean we had to say yes. We went and ate at the closest Bodega (basically tax free gas station that makes bomb food) and ended up finding out that this guy lives here but goes to Vegas all the time for work. It was super funny too cause he made sure we saw all the 100 dollar bills in his wallet when he went to pay for us 😂 but he was super cool and gave us his number and said to hit him up whenever we need anything (money food etc) not all people are rude here believe it or not!

Floyd money Mayweather?! 

On Sunday we went to church with our boy i___and his girlfriend! He's a pretty cool guy and drove us in his way nice car there, and I was super excited for him to see how our sacrament meeting went. But, during the second talk (which was literally a general conference talk, even the testimony) he fell asleep😑 he was snoring so loud haha it was hilarious, and then we we called him that night and asked how he liked it he said it was "different". Soooo not sure how much he liked it but at least he came! We're hoping to go over tomorrow and teach him the plan of salvation so hopefully we can clear up some questions he has!

We also had a look up to do on Sunday, this lady named A__. She had seen us on Saturday, then saw the other elders and went up to them and asked "are you guys following me or what?!" haha but she's super cool! She's 63 and is still working a ton, but always makes time for us to come and visit! Our first lesson with her was awesome, we taught the restoration and when we bore testimony of the book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, the spirit was so strong. We had another lesson yesterday and had a good lesson, and we actually invited her to be baptized. When we were talking to her about that, I felt so good and just happy for her. She said yes and now we just need to find a good date for her! It's honestly so awesome to meet all the people here. I love them all so much and I feel that love even more when we get to teach them. We are children of our heavenly father and are so loved by him too, never forget that!

Alright so general conference is this weekend! I'm so freaking excited! Legit have never been this pumped for conference before. I feel like something super cool is gonna be said during it so make sure to listen in to it all! We've been inviting everyone to bring a question that they have about their life or the church or whatever to this conference and really listen for an answer. I can promise all of you that you'll recieve an answer if you think about the question and really listen to the spirit and the speakers. Take a question! Love you all so much!

Best quote I heard this week was this, and sorry but I don't know who said it! 😂
"the lord didn't make it easy, but he did make it possible."
Remember that God isn't gonna put us through anything we can't accomplish with his help! We just gotta trust in him and keep pushing!

Love you guys! Have an awesome week!
Elder Allen


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