10/22/18: Ya tu sabes que tengo gozo


Quick one here in Long Island! It was one of the most eventful weeks of the mission, but for sure a good one. We had 3 exchanges, stake correlation with the mission and stake presidency, and 1 million other things to do.

First off, Betty Zamora was confirmed this week! Y'all should have seen the smile on her face as she walked down off the podium, so cool. 

While I was on a split with Elder Perkins from our zone, we went to visit 2 young kids that I had met while on another exchange the week before. We got inside and started teaching them about what we really do, and the mom and step dad stood in and listened to us. The mom was ecstatic that we were teaching her kids about God, and they came to church on sunday! The 11 year old boy fell asleep during the last talk, but hey we went 25 minutes over so we can't blame him 😂 

Also another dope miracle before I go off on some doctrine I found this week. We went to look up a man that had previously had a baptismal date, and he wasn't at home. The rest of the family (8 people) invited us right in, fed us, and asked us tons of questions about what we do. As we were talking, they were mind blown at the sacrifice we make to be out here. By the end of our time together they were asking how we know if someone has proper authority to baptize, and we left them with the restoration movie to watch. An hour later when we gave follow up, they had already started watching meet the mormons. People are prepared always! 

So when we are told that every time we read the book of Mormon we find something we didn't notice before, that is 100 percent true. I don't know if I've always just skipped over this verse in Alma or what, but it is awesome. I was reading chapters 26 and 27 this week, and it talks a lot about how Ammon is boasting in God for the good works and miracles they had seen. 

In chapter 27, Ammon and his brethren are escorting their people to Zarahemla, and they meet Alma after many years. 

Verses 16/17:

16 And it came to pass that as Ammon was going forth into the land, that he and his brethren met Alma, over in the place of which has been spoken; and behold, this was a joyful meeting.

17 Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength; and he fell again to the earth.

Can you imagine leaving your best friend for 14 years, then meeting up for the first time right after you have passed though loads of tribulation? I imagine it would be a reunion just like this! One full of joy! 

Verse 18 

18 Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness.

I love those last two parts. Truly Penitent, Humble Seeker of Happiness. Not only do we have to live the gospel, but we have to humbly and sincerely live it and really SEEK out the happiness in order to obtain it. 

If we all follow the example of these ancient missionaries, the joy we will experience is indescribable. Seek it! 

Love you all! 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission 
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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