This week will be 10 months out!!: "Los Mejores Dos Días"

Me and Elder Smith!

Buenos Dias! 

This has been an awesome week, but the past two days have been the BEST DAYS OF MY MISSION. I seriously have just loved it so much!

So on Monday we went to Leadership meeting and then District Meeting and we talked alot about making this week the best week of our missions. In order to do that, we need to make each day the best day of our missions! I showed a video that the district that had some questions on the end. They were, "Is Jesús Christ proud of me?" and, "What would he say to me?" 

Right after District Meeting we had a split with the zone leaders so I went to Elder Smiths area. We've been serving together for almost 6 months now and this guy is the coolest ever. We are seriously such good friends and we were talking about how we're going to hang out all the time once we're both in Provo. He heads home this cycle :( But, we went out to work and seriously everyone we stopped and talked to was either interested or had met with missionaries before. We were on the bus back to the church and I started talking with this family. The 8 year old boy told me it was his birthday and I just happened to put a mini Bible in my bag that morning so I gave it to him and he was so hyped! As we left the bus he yelled out "Bye Elder Allen!" It was really cool to see the immediate bond we made in a matter of like 5 minutes! 

Nacho libre corn with Hermano Caletre!

Next we had a lesson with a recent convert and we taught him the restoration and focused on Joseph Smith. As Elder Smith was reciting the first vision experience of Joseph, I felt the spirit like I only have a few times in my entire life. I literally saw Joseph Smith in the Grove of trees, praying to God and receiving an answer through a vision of God and Jesus Christ appearing. I honesty began to cry because of how undeniable it was. It's weird because I have heard and recited that story thousands of times, but when i heard it on Monday in the chapel something new hit me, and I can't deny and will never be able to deny that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. 

Right after that lesson we hustled over to another investigators house to give her a blessing of health. As we finished the blessing, she broke down and began to weep. She said, through tears, "I literally felt every bad thought leaving my mind and I feel something now in my heart that I have never felt before." Then, her grandson told us after that he opened his eyes and looked at us as we gave her the blessing, and he saw that we were literally glowing... That hit me pretty hard. He asked if we were angels 😂 And then asked how we got that power. It was honestly one of the most powerful blessings I have ever been a part of. Right after, we were walking down some stairs in a building and met a guy named Carlos that was almost baptized in Guatemala but lost contact with the missionaries and had been waiting for us to find him. So cool!

Last night, we went to the Matarrita house and were able to teach a lesson. Then, Hno Matarrita, who recently received the Melchizedek Priesthood, asked us to help give his daughter a blessing. It was his first time doing it, and he was super nervous. We helped him with the words and then he gave one of the coolest blessings ever. At the end he was so happy and his wife was crying. It has been so amazing to see the difference in this family as they have prepared to enter the holy temple to be sealed together! 

Me and my comp Elder Cuevas!  (and more Nacho Libre corn) :) 

On our split on Monday Elder Smith and I were talking about how our goals have changed since coming out on the mission. I was thinking about how I came out with some goals but not too many, and how now I have a clear thought of what I want to become and what I want Jesus to say to me. I want to invite all of you to think of those two questions through out the week. Do what he would do if he was here! There's a quote from Joseph Smith that I love, and it says "Success depends on MY individual exertion." I know that if we want to be happy and truly be successful in the Lord's eyes, we need to exert all of our energy and live as he would live. He wouldn't do things half way! 

Love you all and have an amazing week!

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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