6/11/18: Agradecido

Hey everyone! Hope you've all had a great week! 

This week went by way too quick, and it was filled with so many cool things. 

First off, we had an amazing lesson on Friday night. We had contacted a guy on the bus a few weeks back and had never been able to meet up but we finally got an appointment. We went over for only 20 minutes and had one of the most spiritual lessons on the restoration ever. As Elder Jensen said the first vision I had another witness that it really happened, and that because God loves us he has yet again called a prophet to lead and guide the people. 

That leads right in to zone conference this past week. We had it up in Scarsdale where the mission home is, and it was the most powerful one I've been to. It was the last one with president Smith, and we focused on Joseph smith's experience. As we talked about the significance of that event where he saw God the father and Jesus christ, I reflected on how it has changed my life and when I really gained a testimony of it. It was only after I really wanted to know and put forth effort, that I gained that witness I had sought for for such a long time. As we ended zone conference we had a testimony meeting in the living room of the mission home, and to end it president Smith bore his witness. I was sitting right next to him and could feel the power and truthfulness of his words. Something he said really impacted me. He said "Not one of you came out here just to be a missionary, you came out here to become what God intends for you to become." 

As I have been thinking about that over the past couple of days, I was studying in the book of Mormon in 3 Nephi when the Savior appears to the people in the America's. There are a few things that stood out to me in verses 10-14. 

Behold, I am Jesus Christ, whom the prophets testified shall come into the world. And behold, I am the light and the life of the world. And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto them saying:
Arise and come forth unto me.

The lord is inviting us to come forth unto him and "become" who he intends for us to be. He has a plan, and that plan is perfect. It may not always make sense to us, but it makes sense to him. He knows things we don't know, and he knows us individually and perfectly. It is only though his grace, and his love, that we can one day return to him and be perfect. It's been such a blessing to come to that knowledge, and be able to share it with everyone. There's nothing better than knowing that the fulness of the gospel of Jesus christ and all the ordinances and principles that accompany it have been restored to the earth through a humble 14 year old boy who had a simple question. 

Love you all so much, and hope you have an amazing week this week! 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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