6/4/18: Demaciado Humido!

 Taco bell last week with ward misión leader from Harlem!!!

Como están!? 

It's been a super hot and humid week here in the Bronx, but so awesome as well! Our area is bumping right now and the work is so much fun.

So in Harlem Elder Cuevas and I had been teaching this guy named Leo who we gave a blessing to and he was healed from the affects of his stroke. He got baptized this past saturday!!! I was so happy to hear that and even more pumped when they sent us a picture of him in all white. That guy is so cool and that experience we shared together has changed my life forever.

Yankee Stadium with the roomates! 

I was on a split in another area of the Bronx this week with Elder Navarro, and we had some pretty cool stuff happen. One of the coolest things was right before we left the house. We had a goal to find 2 new people to teach, and we had the idea to pray for someone very specific to find. Elder Navarro prayed that we would be able to find someone with a new York Knicks hat. The FIRST person we see once we get into the park we had planned to be at had one on. Of course. He was smoking a cigarette so we kept walking a little bit but knew that we needed to talk to him because that was literally an instant answer to our prayers. We asked him why he started smoking and he told us that he actually had stopped for 3 years and 20 seconds before he had grabbed the cigarette he was smoking from his buddy. "Divine coincidence" that we happen to run right into him the moment he decides to smoke again 😂 We shared the book of Mormon with him and he expressed how he has tons of questions about life and where he is going after. The English missionaries are passing by this week, and that was just one of the craziest things ever!

 Had a nice walk and talk with a Jehova's Witness!

Yesterday, Elder Jensen and I went to go pass by someone that we had set an appointment with earlier in the week. He wasn't there, and his apartment building was about 30 minutes outside of where we normally work so we were pretty bummed out. But as we went down the elevator, I recognized this one guy's face from English class in Harlem! We started talking and he said he's going to start coming to our English class and that he wants us to start coming over. Random miracle #1! #2 was when we were walking to a bus stop and this guy calls out to us, "Elders!" We go over and start talking to him and find out that he's been a member all his life and is from Brasil and that his whole family are members there. His mom is the relief society president of course! He invited us over to have a family home evening, because he hasn't been to church in years. One of the coolest things that he said to us was that "I know I don't attend church anymore, but my testimony has never changed, I know the church is true." so cool to see that when people know the church is true, they can never deny that fact! 👍

 Matos Fam!

I was studying today in Mosiah chapter 8, where Ammon is teaching the people of Limhi. Limhi shows Ammon some encrypted plates that no one can translate, and Ammon tells him that the EXACT person who can translate them is in Zarahemla. Obviously King Limhi is super hyped to hear that, but Mosiah shines some light on that situation with verse 18.
 He says, "Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings." 
Through our faith, we can work those mighty miracles as well! Not only does the Priesthood and fulness of the gospel bless our lives, but it blesses the lives of those we come in contact with. We always need to be the "light on the hill" for the people of the world during these tumultuous times! 

Love you all so much! Hope you have a bomb week! 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York New York North Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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