12/3/18: Vale la pena

 We take companionship's on a run at 5:30 am and this is the view at the end.

Buenos días!

One thing I learned this week: NEVER let my future job get in the way of my church attendance.

I'm not sure if it's just a New York thing, but it seems like everyone here has tons of time during the week, and then when Sunday rolls around their boss just happens to call them in. Interesting... 😏 Looks like Elder Mansfield and I will be having to visit some of these people's bosses.👍

We had a pretty sweet week overall, with 3 exchanges which were all super fun.

Split with Elder Ochsenbine! 

I was on one exchange with a new missionary named Elder Ochsenbine, and we went off roading for a little bit. (it was just a dirt road to a Bible referral no worries). We knock on her door, and she is the nicest little lady ever. She was born without arms, and you know me.. just intelligent as ever, after we had talked for a bit I go to give her the Bible and she just looks at me like "really?". I realized my mistake and walked right in and set it on the desk for her 😂

As we got to talking more about the Book of Mormon and Bible, she expressed how blessed she has been by God. She made it clear that she was an "exception" because God understands her circumstances. That made me think.

Comida salvadoreña y hondureña with the coolest member ever Hna Artola

There are no exceptions. God completely and perfectly understands our struggles, weaknesses, disabilities, and mishaps. He does not make exceptions though, because he loves us too much to let our potential slip. He wants all of his children to reach Exaltation, not just Salvation. In order to do that, there are certain things we have to do here on earth, which require effort!

The best part about it though is that He has compassion on us. I was reading in the middle chapter of Matthew this week as well, and that seems to be the overwhelming tone of the scriptures. Christ was so compassionate that it pushed him to act. God is so compassionate that he provides us with ways to be eternally happy, and once we develop a certain level of compassion we help others grasp that happiness here on earth.

La iglesia  

In short, there are no exceptions. There are only different paths and sacrifices to make in order to comply with what God has asked us to do. A resounding theme yesterday in church has was that living the gospel isn't the easiest thing ever, but it does "vale la pena". It's all worth it!

Vale la pena

Go make it worth it this week.

Love y'all!



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