2/11/19: Manos Heladas

Virginia and Ruben! 

What's up! 

Danbury is the place to be y'all. The people here are the coolest and we're seeing the Lord work mighty miracles in our area and zone. Nothing is better than His work! 

So we visit this lady named Virginia, from the DR. She is literally our grandma out here, and is on baptismal date for the 30th of March. She hasn't been able to come to church because she has work, but this past week we did a practice conversation with her on how to ask her boss for Sundays off and it seemed to work. She came! Her brother came as well and he is the man. This lady cooks the best Hispanic food ever, so you know I'm bringing some recipes home with me to teach y'all how they do it in the Caribbean. 

I don't know what it was this week, but everyone we're teaching was working on their cars. On Saturday we went to help a family we are visiting to wash their car because it had been in the 50's for a few days in a row and he wanted the car to look nice to bring his family to church. We went by and sure enough it dropped down to 20 degrees. So after attempting to wash it 3 times but just having it turn to ice, we finally got some hot water on that puppy and she was sparkling. They all came to church looking like they were on the red carpet so I'll throw that picture in as well. 

Rosario Family at church!

This past week I was reading about the Atonement a lot and especially focusing on how that sacrifice can bless our lives. Why would we even want to know and understand it? What difference does it make?


Without an understanding of the Atonement and gospel, we literally have no use being here on earth. With that understanding, we find purpose, joy, and a sense of direction as we confront trials and issues. 

Jeffrey R Holland had a super cool insight into how the Savior helps us in a Byu devotional, he says,

"When we stagger or stumble, He is there to steady and strengthen us. In the end He is there to save us, and for all this He gave His life. However dim our days may seem, they have been a lot darker for the Savior of the world. As a reminder of those days, Jesus has chosen, even in a resurrected, otherwise perfected body, to retain for the benefit of His disciples the wounds in His hands and in His feet and in His side—signs, if you will, that painful things happen even to the pure and the perfect; signs, if you will, that pain in this world is not evidence that God doesn’t love you; signs, if you will, that problems pass and happiness can be ours. Remind others that it is the wounded Christ who is the Captain of our souls, He who yet bears the scars of our forgiveness, the lesions of His love and humility, the torn flesh of obedience and sacrifice."

Happiness can be ours! We just have to search it out through the right sources, and we will be able to take part of it and have it for eternity. Sharing that happiness is a responsibility and a blessing that all of us have as believers in Christ. 

Have a great week, go share the Light of Christ with someone! 

Elder Adam Allen



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