2/4/19: Turkey Vultures, Possum, Miracles

  a pet "cuy": this is someone's pet I'm holding, we actually went and bought a frozen one from the store to have at a baptism coming up...apparently they are a favorite in Ecuador!?


You're probably wondering why my title for this email contains weird animals. 

Turkey Vulture - Every morning we see 4-10 of these carnivorous creepers perched on trees or the dumpster. Our goal for now is freeze enough pupusas to sling em out and knock each one of their heads off so we get to save a little $ throughout the week. We'll update you on that next week.

stuffed deer just hanging out

Possum - Elder Barnes barely missed this little critter while hauling a full 25 mph down the neighborhood way. We thought it was a small child or puppy, so of course we stopped to check her out. Turns out this poss got sacked like Tanner Mangum and wasn't gonna make it too much longer. Graphic picture headed your way.
the poor poss 

Miracles - (This is the actual cool part)
We had a lesson this week with a man named Miguel who has been taught for many years. He can't get baptized yet for some legal stuff, but he bore a strong testimony to us of his certainty that the gospel is true. He teared up as he said he can't get baptized, but he wants nothing more than for his daughters to be able to take that step. His faith is admirable and I strive to be a man like him.

Newton is a beast. He's pretty much the next babe ruth. Threw a 92 mph fastball at one point til he destroyed his shoulder on a motorcycle. He came to church last week and this week accepted to be baptized the first week of April, and even showed up to church with his wife this week.

We've been seeing the Lord bless our area recently, and it's been great to be able to help these people feel the spirit and recognize answers to long held questions. The love I feel for all of these people in Danbury is indescribable. 

In D&C section 21, I found this week a pretty cool promise that we receive as we labor in the Lord's work. It says in verse 9,

"For, behold, I will bless all those who labor in my vineyard with a mighty blessing, and they shall believe on his words, which are given him through me by the Comforter, which manifesteth that Jesus was crucified by sinful men for the sins of the world, yea, for the remission of sins unto the contrite heart."

We are promised with a "mighty blessing" to be able to bring the spirit into people's lives through our testimonies of Jesus Christ, the living Son of God. Lets take a hold of that blessing and testify of Him, today.

Love you all! 
Elder Allen


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