10/8/18: Conferencia general

Buenos días! 

Man what a weekend! General conference is always the best weekend in the mission. It was so cool to hear from living prophets of God, and especially to hear about 12 new temples! President Nelson is going hard.

We had a sweet week here in Brentwood. We had an awesome miracle on Friday. We were going around inviting all of the people we are teaching to general conference, and this one lady we were looking for wasn't home. The front door was open, and we saw this older lady dancing to some super loud Hispanic music. Her son was there too, and when we approached he invited us right in! We sat down with him and talked to him about general conference this weekend. Honestly, we weren't planning on inviting him to be baptized, but he literally asked us what our end goal is! So we told him, and set a baptismal date for the 27th of this month! He came to general conference yesterday and brought his entire family as well. 

This week I was studying in Alma 21, and a part stuck out to me where it says "They were angry with him." I thought to myself "man, I feel like I've read that line 1000 times in the book of mormon." So, I decided to figure out what was up with that! I found tons of examples. 
1 Nephi 1: Lehi is mocked by people in Jerusalem 
Mosiah 12: Abinadi is burned alive for preaching the gospel
Alma 21: Aaron and his brethren are mocked, imprisoned, and smitten for preaching to Amalekites 
Helaman 8: Nephi is persecuted for speaking against corrupt judges
Helaman 16: Samuel is shot at for preaching
3 Nephi 7: Nephi performs miracles and is hated for it

I found two common themes intertwined within all of these stories in the book of mormon. 

1: Every single one ended with many people coming to the knowledge and joy of the gospel.
2: None of the good things happened until AFTER some suffering. 

As I listened to general conference this week, I noticed that there were about 4 talks that hit that same point. As we pass through hard things we need to endure with the hope of a brighter day ahead! If these prophets in ancient times had to be stoned and shot at to reap blessings after, I think we can all deal with smaller problems today in order to recieve just as great blessings. 

One statement to end off, 
"The gospel is worth it!" 

It's worth every struggle, disappointment, tragedy, sadness, affliction, or whatever else the world throws at us. The happiness that we feel in our lives as we live the gospel and stay on the gospel path is something that is and always will be worth the hard times.

Love you all! Have a great week :) 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission 
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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