10/29/18: Ya viene la bomba!

 Franklin and Marilyn!

Como andan muchachos?!

End of the transfer over here in New York! Today is the last day before the new transfer begins, and we've got some changes over here in Brentwood. Elder Serna will be headed to my old stomping grounds in Harlem!!!! So excited for him, that place is legit my waters of Mormon haha. I'll be receiving an Elder Mansfield from Brooklyn. Should be a great next 6 weeks.

We had a ton happen this week, but the biggest thing for sure was that our recent convert and best bud Franklin Fernandez got married!!! And to throw a cherry on top he wanted Elder Serna and I to be his groomsmen 😂 Definitely never thought I would be doing that in the mission but there ya go. It was super cool though, and Franklin was the happiest man I have ever seen. Him and his new family will be moving to Provo, UT this next week, so all of you living over there hit me up for his info so you can go say hi to him!! (Pics below)

   Leg lift!

Yes that's a chicken head

We're teaching this family right now, and we actually invited the two kids in the family to be baptized the other day. Orlando, the 11 year old, told us that he couldn't because he heard that if he got baptized, he would have to stop dancing. Solid reason not to be baptized, but hey in the Church of Jesus Christ we don't require that ;) So right after we told him that he said yes and asked if we could do it that sunday! We told him we would have to wait a little bit, and set the date for the 1 of December 😂 

I've set some recent personal goals to finish all of the standard works over the next 4 months, and this week I was in Doctrine and Covenants 8 and 9. These revelations were given to Oliver Cowdery after he desired to translate as Joseph Smith was. The Lord tells Oliver that it is not expedient that he should translate at this time, and then tells him how he can recieve personal revelation. 

"But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right."

It's interesting how the Lord doesn't say, ye shall "know" it is right, but rather, ye shall "feel" it is right. 

Spiritual truths are found through spiritual answers, just as intellectual truths are found through intellectual answers. 

We know gravity exists because we can see, or know, that a penny will fall if we let go of it. We can't see, know, or experience the Atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We can't see, know, or experience the First Vision that the boy Prophet Joseph Smith had of God the father and his son. We can't see, know, or experience the great apostasy that occurred after the priesthood keys were taken from the earth. How cool would it be if we could see, know, or experience any of those three things. Heck, we wouldn't even need faith at that point. 

But, the fact of the matter is, we didn't. We did not physically witness ANY of those three eternally influential events. Nevertheless, I, along with millions of others, have "felt" the validity of those events. I have "felt" the Atonement work in my life and in that of others. I have "felt" the truthfulness and spirit that comes when hearing the first vision. I have "felt" the relief that comes through the knowledge that God did not leave his children in darkness, but rather restored lost gospel truths once again to the earth. 

God does not ask us to intellectually understand everything he does. All he asks us to do is exactly what was said to Oliver. Ask of Him, wait for an answer, and act on that answer. My testimony has grown a lot this past week, especially that of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He was a prophet, called of God, to restore the church of Jesus Christ to the earth once again. Like Joseph said after his vision, "I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it." 

I love you all, and love this church and the gospel it proclaims just as much (if not more ;)) 

Have an awesome week! :) 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission 
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583

Pics below from past zone conference and transfer day from from awhile ago, I just found them on the mission blog!  :), Emily (Elder Allen's momma) 



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