11/13/18: ¡Un Setenta vino!


So another quick week gone here in Brentwood, with tons of meetings, exchanges, and new facebook initiative that is being rolled out in our area here. 


We had Elder Haynie from the 70 come into town for a mission tour, and he is the man. He came to our MLC, and dropped some straight fire on us. Literally, roasted us pretty well. So basically after that Elder Mansfield and I were pretty pumped just like the rest of the Zone Leaders and started kicking it up a noche in different aspects of the work that have never been focused on before by this mission. 

One thing I loved that he brought up before he started talking about mission numbers was something about obedience in the mission. He said, "the tragedy of disobedience is that you go home the exact same way that you left." 
It's so true! The biggest changes I have seen in myself have come when I am living the gospel of Jesus Christ in it's entirety. 


That brings me to my studies from the week. This one's going in the New Testament so buckle up. 

Matthew 13 describes why Christ taught in parables, and also cites multiple parables that he teaches to his disciples. The first parable he teaches in the chapter is that of the Sower. As the Sower goes out to sow, and he drops some seeds by the way side (path where they walk). Other seeds fell on stony places, others on thorny, and lastly he sowed seeds in good ground.

Results from seeds falling in different soils:
Wayside: Snatched up by birds
Stony: Scorched by sun and destroyed
Thorny: Overpowered by thorns 
Good: Grows and flourishes

How the heck does this relate to what Elder Haynie said and how does that apply to us?

Well if we think about the conversion process and the last point of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Enduring to the End), it all makes sense.

Wayside: Those who hear the word, and never truly understand or internalize what they are hearing. They are not changed by the gospel.

Stony: They seem to have a pretty solid foundation, until turbulent times come. That weak ground doesn't support them enough. They may have been externally changed by the gospel, but it wasn't an internal change.

Thorny: The ground is good, and all conditions seem to be perfect for a gospel knowledge and internalization. However, the thorns and thistles are too much and take over. This relates to worldly riches and pride and things that only last in this lifetime. These people are temporarily changed by the gospel, until something more attractive comes along.

Good: These people are truly changed by the Gospel. They live gospel principles in good times and bad, don't let outside influences change what they know. They are those who will see the fruits of the gospel. (HAPPINESS)

It's been so cool to be able to help people be truly converted to the gospel while my own conversion has been growing daily. I love the people of New York!

Have a great week!

Elder Allen 



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