11/19/18: Cansado pero feliz 😊

Buenos días familia y amigos!

I don't think I have ever been this tired before, but hey no complaints because I'm loving it! We had 4 exchanges this week, lots of driving, and even more teaching and finding.

I got to go on splits with my trainee, Elder Cuevas (Who is a straight beast), and also Elder Palmer (Who is also a beast). So needless to say, this week was pretty sweet.

One thing I've been thinking about lately is how we should confront challenges when they come. It's inevitable that all of us will pass through hardships, and sometimes that hardship will seem impossible to overcome. 

There's a story in the old testament about two men named Joshua and Caleb. They had made it out of Egypt with Moses and the Israelites, and were sent by Moses to go scout out the promised land with 10 other men. When the men returned with immense amounts of berries and all manner of food, most of them were saddened because the land was overrun by a people called the Anakims, who were giants. Joshua and Caleb had enough faith to tell the people it would be possible to take the land, and as a result the people tried to have them stoned. As a punishment for their disbelief, the wandering of Israel began. The people wandered the land for 45 years, and finally it was time for Joshua and Caleb to return to the promised land. 

Caleb said "As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me [at least in the spirit of the gospel and its call and needs]: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, … both to go out, and to come in"

This man was now 85 years old, and the thought of him going up against the Anakims was like a 5th grade AAU team taking on the 2018 Golden State squad. 

But instead of backing down and diminishing his faith, Caleb said 
"Give me this mountain"

That phrase is applicable in all of our lives. As we have faith to take these "mountains", the Lord will strengthen our daily efforts to be able to come out on top. 

Take heart friends and get at it! When Hard times come, always confront them with the same attitude of Caleb. Give me this mountain!

Love y'all! 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission 
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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