11/5/18: Un profeta!


It's been an eventful week here on long Island with transfers, meetings, lots of driving, and even more teaching.

My new companion is Elder Mansfield from Vernal, UT. Super cool guy who has been out just about the same time as me, and he is awesome. We've already seen some cool stuff happening in the area and we're excited to keep it going! We went running this morning to the beach, and got a nice picture of the sunrise, I'll attach that at the bottom 😉

We've had some awesome lessons this week, but one that we had on Saturday night was sweet. We went and ate dinner with this family we had recently found, and after we ate and chatted for a little (during which they asked us 1 million questions about our lives and if we can drink coffee AFTER the mission) we had one of the best and most powerful restoration lessons. I've realized throughout my time here that the restoration of the gospel means nothing to people until they fully understand that there was an apostasy leading to 1820.

This family understood that, which linked perfectly to Joseph smith's story. Sharing the first vision, I felt the same way I've felt hundreds of times while saying the words of the prophet. The room was absolutely silent (even the birds stopped chirping🐦) and the spirit took over.

It made me think of how I came to truly feel and know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I've been able to strengthen that witness throughout my mission, and now have reached the point of having an unshakeable testimony of the boy prophet, Joseph Smith.

If you haven't read the new Saints book, do it! It gives you insight into the life of him and his family that we've never seen before.

Just as revealed to him in doctrine and covenants 12 and 14,
"A great and marvelous work is about to come forth unto the children of men."
This work has begun, due to the restoration! It's been so awesome to be a part of it😁

Love you all!  

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission 
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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