12/24/18: Que día es hoy?

¡Feliz Navidad!

It seems like I was just celebrating Christmas in Harlem, but here I am in Long Island giving it a go again! We had a packed week, with one of the highlights being Zone Conference! 

Within the conference, we had a devotional for Christmas, and Sister Teuscher showed an awesome video put out by the Vid Angel producers. It portrays the perspective of a shepherd at the birth of Christ. As this man learns that the Christ has been born, he SPRINTS to tell others the good news. Clearly the birth of this child meant the world to a simple shepherd who had long awaited his coming to the earth. 

This made me think of what the birth of Christ means to me, and if I am "sprinting" to spread his message. 

There are three things His birth entails for me:
1. God loves us
2. Change is possible
3. Everything will be put in a perfect order

God's love for us is most abundantly manifested through the giving of His only begotten, Jesus Christ. He let His only perfect son descend from his glory in heaven to a humble beginning in Bethlehem. Why? Why would our Heavenly Father be so willing to allow someone so perfect suffer so much? Because His love for us is equal of His love for Christ. At least we know that His love is great enough to give Him to us as a great and everlasting sacrifice. 

That sacrifice makes change possible. God sent a baby to the world to change the world, and that he did. He took upon Himself the impossible, and made it possible. The King of Kings wore a crown of thorns, so that one day we could wear crowns of glory with the Father. Because he was born, all of us will live again. We will be able to change here, and forever. That atonement he performed is eternal, and is universal, covering all inhabitants of this world.

One day He will come again, in full glory, the exact opposite of the way he first came into the world. With that coming, he will put into order everything that has been mixed and confused over thousands of years since his humble birth in a manger. He will reign upon the earth in perfect power, and make right those things that have been made wrong by the hands of men. Like I said last week, if it's not okay yet, it's not the end! 

I invite you all to spend a little time today studying the 1st, 26th, and 27th chapters of the Gospel according to Matthew. Ponder on what He means to you, and how you can always keep that meaning in mind throughout this next year. 

He lives, He loves us all, and He wants us to come back to Him and His Father some day. 

Love you all and hope you have a merry Christmas!


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