1/7/19: Año viejo 👴

Buenos días!

It's been one of the best weeks of my mission, and I'll just get right to the reasons why. :)

When I was in my first area of the Bronx over a year and a half ago, I had written my testimony in a book of Mormon, and never gave it out. I guess I had left it in the missionary closet at the chapel, because a sister missionary that recently went home emailed me the other day telling me she found it. She knew it was me because at the end it said "The gospel is dope." haha. Long story short, she looked for the last two weeks of her mission for someone to give the book to. She found that person on a bus in the Bronx, who had recently gone through some super rough stuff. As she gave her the book and testified of it's truthfulness, the spirit hit the girl on the bus and she started crying as she hugged this sister missionary and thanked her for bringing it to her. When I read this email, it made me think of just how personally God knows everyone of us, and how he plans things out in such an intricate manner. I had left that book in that closet in August of 2017, and this sister missionary had found it December 2018 to give to someone who needed it right at that time. God knows us! 

I was on an exchange, and we went to knock some doors in Brentwood (the Hispanic promised land). As we were walking down the street I saw these beautiful huskies, and a man walking back into his house. I called out to him and started talking to him about his dogs and he eventually came out to the fence to talk. Towards the end of the conversation, I pulled out the book of Mormon and he jumped back. "Great, another J dub" I thought, but it was completely different! He said he has a friend that has been looking for our church for 6 years since she moved here from Honduras. We took a selfie and sent it to her, then he went and picked her up to come to church yesterday. Such a boss.

During that same exchange, we went to teach a family that we have been working with for a few weeks. The mother of the family told us that she really just wants to gain a desire to do the things we ask her to do. She started tearing up and apologized for not doing her part, and for wasting her time. I had an instant flashback to the past year and a half, of all the amazing people I have met and the miracles I have seen. Tears came to my eyes as I realized how great this opportunity has been to be able to help others feel more happiness. I expressed the love that I felt for them, but more than that, shared with them how much their lives would change if they did these simple things we were asking them to do. The spirit enveloped the room, and stayed with our companionship the rest of the night.

Sometimes I think we take for granted the wonderful blessing we have of being members of the church. We have knowledge that people spend their whole lives searching for, and a lot of times we only care about it on Sunday. This gospel can change us, as long as we are willing to let it do so. The benefits, blessings, and happiness we can receive are things only to be given by our loving Heavenly Father. May we all try a little harder this week to realize and give thanks for them! 

Love you all! 


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