9/24/18: Manejo y no me paro!

Hola a todos! 

First week in a car down! It's been pretty awesome here in Long Island, and very different from the Bronx 😂 Everytime I tell people where I've served before their eyes get big 😂 
Dope bench quote

I wanted to start this email off with a quick miracle. We are teaching this man named Franklin, who is dating a member of the ward here in Brentwood. I called him on Friday and he said he would come to church, which he did. Elder Serna and I were planning on inviting him to be baptized after church, but as we went up to ask if he could talk, he told us that he wanted to be baptized! We sat down for a few minutes and talked about it, and set the baptismal date for the 20th of October. People are prepared here on the Island!

Marcos Rojas! 

It's been an awesome week, and I've been driving a lot which is the weirdest feeling ever. I literally had no idea how different it would feel going through real neighborhoods doing missionary work instead of project buildings and buses or trains 😂 The people here are seriously so nice though and will let you in just for saying hi which is the best part! 

I was reading this past week in 2 Nephi 2. I've always focused on the part of this chapter where it talks about Adam and Eve and our purpose here on the earth of having joy. This time, I was reading verse 11 and it caught my attention. It talks about how there is opposition in all things. That's something I have definitely come to see as true out here on the mission, BUT at the same time I've found ways to overcome that opposition just like tons of people. 

La familia Castillo del bronx!

Alma 17 explains how the sons of Mosiah overcame that opposition when they left on their missions.
"they fasted much and prayed much that the Lord would grant unto them a portion of his Spirit to go with them, and abide with them, that they might be an instrument in the hands of God"
After they did those things, they were comforted. How easy is that!! All he asks that we do is pray and fast and humble ourselves before him. 

I love this quote from Emma Smith, 
"If we humble ourselves and are as faithful as we can be, we shall be delivered from every snare that may be layed at our feet."

Whatever obstacle we are passing through in life right now, we can overcome it through faith, humility, and perseverance.

Love you all! :) 

Elder Adam Ray Allen
New York City Mission
700 White Plains Rd Ste 315 Scarsdale, NY 10583


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